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Corps Compass Program



Create a mentorship program that enhance the development of Sergeants Major Course Students.


Improve leader engagement, military culture, reduce potential misconduct, and enhances retention for future SGM/CSMs.


Provide future SGM/CSMs with a resource to guide them through their evolution and commitment as an SGM/CSM.

In support of the NCO Strategy, the Army emphasizes the importance of creating unified teams. To this end, the Soldiers for Life program has been instituted, which aligns with the Army's Profession of Arms standards and emphasizes the fair and respectful treatment of all individuals. Part of this initiative involves the implementation of a specialized mentorship program for the select group of Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) Students led by The Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE), with participating Nominative and Brigade level Sergeants Major (SGM) and Command Sergeants Major (CSM) who serve as mentors and guides to the SGM-A Students. Below you have access to the Corps Compass Program schedule, Individual Development Plan documents, and Career Long Assessment Athena insights directly from Center for Army Leadership Athena.

The Corps Compass program schedule is founded by the Sergeants Major Academy and follows the Army Leader Developer Program. The design is to inform and motivate all Soldiers to embrace personal and professional development and to provide self- awareness. Each term students take a particular Career Long Assessment Athena assessment based on Professional Military Education (PME) level, and voluntarily share that information with their guide in the Corps Compass Program. The guide’s role is to mentor the student through the creation of an Individual Development Plan, as well as the student's aspirations without telling them what to do, and how to do it. Click the Individual Development Plan Resources button below for perspectives in view of that.

Corps Compass Program Schedule

The Corps Compass Program supports and links the use of the Individual Development Plan and Career Long Assessment Athena, backing U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command and U.S. Army Combined Arms Center priorities. The Individual Development Plan and the guides are the direct resource that drives goal interaction and assist students through their evolution beyond their initial commitment as Command Sergeants Major and Sergeants Major. The following documents are attached, DA Form 7906, which is the Individual Development Plan that is designed to capture an individual’s career and personal development, a sample DA Form 7906, which is a scribed action plan, and a job aid that is designed to translate assessment feedback into actionable goals for the Individual Development Plan.

Throughout history, Athena, the Greek goddess, has been noted for her association with strategic warfare, wisdom, and learning. Athena valued cunning and intelligence over brute strength, and her name has come to symbolize the disciplined preparation of a warrior. The concept of Athena is deeply ingrained in the Army's culture of assessments at all levels of Professional Military Education. This inclusion serves to enhance individual self-awareness, support self and unit-leader development programs, and inspire the cultivation of leaders possessing the character, competence, and commitment necessary to serve in the Army profession. In the attachment are the descriptions for Career Long Assessment Athena for students attending the Sergeants Major Academy. Ultimately, the Corps Compass Program prioritizes mentorship and the use of the Individual Development Plan. It comes together with Career Long Assessment Athena to provide future Command Sergeants Major and Sergeants Major with a resource to guide them through their evolution and commitment as a Senior Enlisted Leader.

Career Long Assessment Athena