The Sergeants Major Course Distance Learning (SMC-DL)
The Department of Distance Education (DDE), under the Sergeants Major Academy, uses the term “Distance Learning” to refer to asynchronous learning and delivers the Sergeants Major Course-Distance Learning (SMC-DL). 
The SMC-DL’s curriculum covers the five core departments of the SMC-Resident  (Army Operations (DAO), Joint Intergovernmental Interagency Multinational Operations (DJIIMO), Command Leadership (DCL), Force Management (DFM) and Professional Studies (DPS) utilizing the distance learning modality. Foundations sets the tone for the SMC-DL and culminates with an in-resident two-week phase. DDE executes the SMC-DL via three phases over an 18 to 24-month duration.
SMC-DL Course Flow

The SMC-DL structure is similar to what you may experience with many online university models. This means the responsibility for learning rests with the individual student.  Collectively, the online students will build their knowledge based on their individual experiences, background, knowledge, and understanding of the source material. Manage your expectations and understand the design of the SMC-DL. The instructors are here to help. As the adult learner, you must identify your strengths and weaknesses and communicate with your instructor to seek immediate assistance.
Through self-awareness and thorough reflection, adult learners begin to evaluate the meaning of their experiences and try to understand how they fit into their current environment. These meanings along with your experiences provide a greater understanding of what is happening and the relevance the new information acquired.
Distance learning (DL) includes no in-person interaction between instructors and learners during the first two phases. As such, you will rely on digital forms of communication throughout the course such as emails, video/non-video calls, discussion boards, and Blackboard (Bb) Learning Management System (LMS) .
The advantages of SMC-DL is that it provides greater flexibility for individuals to work at their own pace and review work as needed within the time allowed.  This method offers greater control to determine when you will work on the course material, subject to the requirement suspense. Self-discipline is the key to staying current with the SMC-DL material.
We understand life events will occur. In the online learning environment, we cannot over-emphasize the need to over-communicate with your student or the DDE leadership team. We are committed to your academic success.
Resident Phase Students
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