Selecting a College
Serving in the military and getting an education can be difficult both mentally and financially. Affordable Colleges Online can be a great resource and location for advice for attending college while in the military.
As you prepare to college, you will want to learn the difference between National and Regional Accreditation and how to avoid diploma mills.
The Choosing a School Guide is a helpful guide that talks about the types of degrees and schools, benefits of getting an education and how to choose a degree major. Another great tool is the College Navigator. This is a detailed school search program, along with good information on financial aid, preparing for college, and other education related topics.
Best College Fit offers a student-centered approach to college planning and is a partner with the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. The main goal of BCF is to help you find and gain entrance into the college that fits you best!
You can also find helpful information on your path to college by visiting the following sites:
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Military Friendly Colleges
Top 10 Online Colleges for Active Duty Military 2018
Save Time and Money while getting a Degree
Before you begin on your college journey, you will want to get a copy of your Joint Services Transcripts. This will provide you with a description of military education and work history that you can give to your academic advisor.
Next you can save time getting a degree and conserve your GI Bill resources by going to the American Council of Education. This website will provide you with a guide on how to transfer your military training into college credits.
Another useful website that can help you preserve educational resources is DANTES. Here you can find information on how to test out of certain classes and get credit for the course without taking it.
Tools to Prepare You for College
Preparing for college can be a big task, but fortunately, there are lots of resources that can help you with those important exams and basic skills.
Improve Vocabulary for SAT, ACT, or GRE
Basic Math Skills
Algebra and Calculus Tutorials