SSG Torres explaining the importance of the NCO Creed

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How to Submit to NCO Corps History

The Army is seeking pieces on all aspects of the NCO experience. If you have an experience you think will contribute to the identity, mission, understanding or professional development of your peers, or if you want to contribute to NCO history in general, please contribute! Here are some general guidelines:


Shaped by the NCO Corp

Your grade does not matter. We are looking for E- 4 (CPL) through E-9 (SGM/CSM) accounts of what has shaped your understanding of what it means to be part of the US Army’s NCO Corps. From preparing for the Board to being the SMA, your contributions are unique and valuable, and the purpose of this page is help capture your experiences for the benefit of the entire Corps.


Photos, Docs & More

You can contribute photos, documents, and written accounts. For guidelines, download the Guidelines Pdf. Be aware of security when submitting!


Tell us about it

All visual items or stand-alone documents must include a publishable explanation of who, what, where, when and why it is important..


What Format Should You Use?

Follow the US Army CMH Style Guide. The APA style is preferred but not exclusively and you can get some help at the Purdue Online Writing Lab.


Lesson Learned

Think about a “lesson learned” approach to submitting your story. How has your account defined your role as an NCO? What would you like others to take away from your account?


Privacy Matters

If you are writing about a problem you have had, do not use specific names. Rank and a letter is preferred (SP4 Y, SGT W.)



Avoid using personal information. Because this is a published site, you may want to use your rank and last name, but no other personal information should be used..


Be Professional

Remember always use professionalism when documenting your work, we are professional as the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers.

Submissions must include your name, rank, subject you are writing about from the list on the Shared Experiences page, and the rank you were at the time of your experiences. Additional information such as the unit or type of unit you were in at the time can be included but is not necessary. If you wish to publish anonymously, that is possible, but we still need to put in a header (“MSG writing about his most difficult problem as an E5 Team Leader,” for example.)

You may get the original idea on what you want to say from multiple sources. For example, go to the Shared Experiences page and look at the topics – they may suggest something. Or you may already have an idea and are not sure if it fits. You read of an issue another NCO is having and want to suggest a solution. In any case, email us and ask. We can help!

When you have decided on what you want to say and where you want it published, write. There is no minimum or maximum length requirement. If you are having trouble, again, email us. Once done, submit your writing as a text document (Word preferred) to the NCOLCoE & USASMA historian. The History Section will review and make editing suggestions, if any to the writer before final publication.

Email for Submission

Thank you for submitting your NCO experiences! Collecting and making available experiences helps develop NCO Esprit de Corps, preserves institutional memory, creates and sustains a sense of professional NCO identity, clarifies roles and responsibilities, suggests new ways of approaching job and career, and inspires others rising through the ranks. Your contribution, then, is a contribution to the Army and NCO Corps as a whole. Not only that, but The NCO Corps History website is part of the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence and U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy website. As the world’s premier institution devoted to Noncommissioned Officer Education and training readiness, being selected for publication reflects your commitment to professionalism and personal accomplishment.