This lesson establishes the foundation of the ability to think and to solve problems. We accomplish lesson objectives by means of advance readings, classroom discussion, and practice in the form of a practical exercise. Analyzing a contemporary issue confronting today’s military helps to accentuate the concepts in problem solving and critical thinking. It addresses several topic areas to include Paul and Elder’s model for critical thinking and some of the possible problems with our thinking to include bias, group think, and faulty paradigms. The practical exercise highlights the importance of sound thinking when dealing with unfamiliar situations. This lesson focuses learners on how to think rather than on what to do. This lesson reviews the steps to solving problems and the fundamental concepts of thinking. After this lesson, the learners are ready to solve problems in cohesive teams and provide logical solutions.
TLO: This lesson supports 400-MLC-0430, Formulate management processes and skills to be an agile senior NCO at the organizational level.
ELO: 400-MLC-0430.14
Action: Determine critical thinking and creative thinking tools.
Condition: As a learner and senior leader attending face-to-face or virtual environments participating in dynamic, collaborative facilitated discussions, given references and multimedia resources.
Standard: Given a scenario, solve an ill-structured problem by:
1. Assessing the Elements of Thought and Universal Intellectual Standards;
2. Validating paradigms and assumptions;
3. Establishing a framework for solving complex problems; and
4. Analyzing blocks to creativity in self and organizations.
Learning Domain: Cognitive
Level of Learning: Analysis
ELO: 400-MLC-0430.15
Action: Analyze mental models.
Condition: As a learner and senior leader attending face-to-face or virtual environments participating in dynamic, collaborative facilitated discussions, given references and multimedia resources.
Standard: Analyze a scenario, by:
1. Defining the use of mental models;
2. Validating military mental models;
3. Assessing various model constructs;
4. Assessing mental models to better fit the problem; and
5. Correcting bias in self and others.
Learning Domain: Cognitive
Level of Learning: Analysis
ELO: 400-MLC-0430.16
Action: Analyze probable solutions for an ambiguous problem.
Condition: As a learner and senior leader attending face-to-face or virtual environments participating in dynamic, collaborative facilitated discussions, given references and multimedia resources.
Standard: Based on a scenario, summarize your findings that include:
1. Determining critical thinking processes; and
2. Ensuring the quality of a decision.
Learning Domain: Cognitive
Level of Learning: Analysis
- Read (26 Total Pages):
- Learner Handout - The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools, pp. 2 thru 10 (9 pages). Found on Blackboard > M433 Learner Handouts
- ADP 5-0, The Operations Process, July 2019, Ch. 1, p. 1-15, para 1-65 thru 1-70 (1 page). (Found at https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/ADP.aspx
- ADP 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession (W/Basic Incl C1), July 2019, Ch. 4, pp. 4-1 thru 4-2 (2 pages). (Found in previous location)
- FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations (Incl. C1 and C2), May 2014, Ch. 4, pp. 4-1 thru 4-6 (6 pages). Found at https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/FM.aspx
- FM 6-22, Leader Development, June 2015, Ch. 5, pp. 5-1 thru 5-8 (8 pages). (Found in previous location)
- Scan (13 Total Pages):
- Learner Handout - The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools, pp. 11 thru 23 (13 pages). Found on Blackboard > M433 Learner Handouts
- Be prepared to discuss the following in class:
- What is critical thinking? ADP 5-0 para 1-65 thru 1-70
- What traits do well-cultivated critical thinkers possess? Miniature Guide and based on personal experiences
- How is creative thinking different from critical thinking? ADP 5-0 para 1-65 thru 1-70
- How do elements of thought relate to intellectual standards? Miniature Guide
- What are the differences between Clarity, Accuracy, and Precision; Breadth and Depth; and Relevance and Significance? Miniature Guide
- What paradigms commonly exist in the Army? Miniature Guide
- How can assumptions inhibit mission readiness? FM 6-0 pp. 4-1 thru 4-6
- How do mental models assist leaders? Miniature Guide, FM 6-22 pp. 5-1 thru 5-8
- What are some models for problem solving used in the military? FM 6-0 pp. 4-1 thru 4-6
- What types of biases do we encounter in everyday life? ADP 5-0 para 1-65 thru 1-70, FM 6-22 pp. 5-1 thru 5-8
- How can you prevent groupthink as a leader? ADP 5-0 para 1-65 thru 1-70
- How can the enemy use paradigms, models, and mental models against us? Answer based on personal experiences
- What are some pitfalls that might cause groups to malfunction or issues that can hinder the performance of the group? FM 6-22 pp. 5-1 thru 5-8, ADP 5-0 (chapter 2)